Ileana Strauch Jacks - Mother on a mission

Ileana Strauch Jacks - Mother on a mission

Meet Ileana, a busy mother with an equally as demanding career. Like many of us, she keeps her Mother Oxford on heavy rotation to make sure looking put together doesn't create added stress in the day. 


Briefly share what a day in the life of you looks like.

I am a physician - medical oncologist. I am also a mother to 3 children (ages 6, 4 and 2) and a wife (my husband is also a physician).

My day is busy as it is for most mothers. I am fortunate to work part time and really value my 2 extra days to be home with my children. We like to do art projects and spend lots of time outside in our garden. My job is also incredibly emotionally draining and so I like to spend my evenings snuggling with my kids and reading books. I also enjoy cooking, and we make an effort to sit down as a family together most nights of the week. 

What was it about Mother Oxford that met a need for you? What is your favorite way to style/wear yours?

I am like any woman in that I want to look beautiful and put together but I also don’t have a lot of time to worry about my daily outfits. I know I can throw on this top and move on with tackling my many other responsibilities without any concern about my appearance. 

I love my shirt and typically wear it with jeans or slacks and comfy loafers. This is what I call my ‘mom uniform’. I find I look incredibly neat and put together and I don’t worry about spills/splashes on the top or runny noses and dirty hands. I can let my family get close and love on them and not need to change my shirt. 

What is something you are passionate about, and how do you think your part in it could change the world?

As a cancer doctor, I am incredibly passionate about cancer prevention. And I try to instill a healthy lifestyle with my kids. We grow our food and keep out toxins. And we exercise and practice mindfulness. 


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