Rachel Rosenthal - The 411 on seasonal wardrobe swaps

Rachel Rosenthal - The 411 on seasonal wardrobe swaps

Photo by Laura Metzler Photography

The thought of closet organizing can bring on symptoms of agita in even the bravest of women, especially when it's a task that needs to happen for the whole family. We weren’t sure where to start so we had to ask the expert. Rachel Rosenthal, Organizing Expert & Owner of Rachel and Company gave us the 411 on how to make seasonal transitions as easy as laundering your Mother Oxford button down.


By Rachel Rosenthal
Organizing Expert, Owner of Rachel and Company rachelrosenthal.co @rachelorganizes

Spring is in the air, the birds are chirping, you are tired of your winter duds and your kids are likely growing out their clothes. Spring is the perfect time of year to organize your closet and start the transition of your wardrobe to warmer outfits. Use this time to not only work on your own wardrobe but also to go through your kids’ clothes and get them ready for the next season/growth spurt.

There are a few things I keep in mind when organizing and transitioning closets for a new season:

  1. The first thing you need to do is determine if you will be storing off-season clothes in your closet or in a storage space. Not all closets need to be fully rotated out for a new season but if you are blessed with that luxury of space don’t think you are off the hook. Even if your clothes are not going into storage it is important to evaluate and clear out your wardrobe. You also might want to consider swapping placement of items in your closet - perhaps moving shorts to a lower shelf and jeans higher up or swapping the placement of hanging items to keep seasonal items closer at hand.
  1. If you are going to be doing a full season swap, make sure you are decluttering and clearing out items BEFORE they go into storage. There is no use storing the yoga pants you have worn to death or your husband’s khakis with ink stains.
  1. Don’t try to do too much at one time (you will thank me later!). I suggest tackling one closet/family member at a time when doing a seasonal refresh. Put all of your energy into decluttering, storing and organizing that closet before you move onto the next.
  1. Kids need transitions and refreshes way more often than adults as they transition sizes. If there are more kids in your future or maybe nieces or neighbors you may want to keep items for hand me downs. I suggest creating storage bins sorted and organized by age and gender. This will make it easier for you down the line to find what you are looking for vs. a bin labeled “baby clothes”.
  1. Similar to adults it is important to declutter and clear out kids clothes before you put them in storage! Nothing stained, ripped or worn out should ever make it into that storage bin.
  1. Finally, don’t be too ruthless in your clear out or seasonal swap. You should always have some classic pieces in your closet and be prepared for something like a chilly night of s'mores at a cabin.


If you feel like you’ve got the swap down, but DON’T have the right essential pieces in your closet year round, check out The Essentials Kit and The Blue Kit. Mother Oxford is all about pieces that transition with your body and your life, from season to season, that won’t go out of style. Plus, they keep you functioning because they’re functional for whatever the day throws at you. 

Make sure to follow Rachel @rachelorganizes for tips on staying beautifully organized in all areas of your home.